
,FULLSENTENCEsentences|CollinsEnglishSentences.,anysentencetheformofwhichexemplifiesthemostfrequentlyusedstructuralpatternofaparticularlanguage,as,inEnglish,anysentencethatcontains ...,Acompletesentencehastohaveasubjectandaverb,andtheverbhastobeafinite:Asentencewithitsmainverbinan'-ing'formwillnotbea ...,acceptableorlegitimate.sleepy;drowsy.pleasingtothetaste;palatable.TAKETHEQUIZTOFINDOUT ......

Examples of 'FULL SENTENCE' in a sentence

FULL SENTENCE sentences | Collins English Sentences.

FULL SENTENCE definition and meaning

any sentence the form of which exemplifies the most frequently used structural pattern of a particular language, as, in English, any sentence that contains ...

A Definition of a Complete Sentence

A complete sentence has to have a subject and a verb, and the verb has to be a finite: A sentence with its main verb in an '-ing' form will not be a ...

FULL SENTENCE Definition & Usage Examples

acceptable or legitimate. sleepy; drowsy. pleasing to the taste; palatable. TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT ...


An example of a simple, complete sentence is “She sleeps.” She is the subject; sleeps is the predicate. In this instance, the complete predicate is the verb ...

句子活用:A full sentence. Make a sentence.

句子活用:One more time. / Say it again. 句子活用:Put away your book. 句子活用:Show your work to the class. 句子活用:Tell me what you see in the picture.

Complete Sentence Structure

2021年8月17日 — A complete sentence is a group of words that conveys a complete idea. Complete sentences must have at least one subject and predicate, ...

Examples of Complete Sentences

2021年6月4日 — A complete sentence must have, at minimum, three things: a subject, verb, and an object. The subject is typically a noun or a pronoun.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
